Hello everyone! We're another week into November and closer to the holidays, the tests, and the end of the year.
Starting this evening, you may notice some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes happening on unoccupied mats at Krav Maga Raleigh. We are happily hosting an independent BJJ program run by Glayton Melo, so you will start seeing those classes sprinkled in among ours. They are NOT part of Krav Maga Raleigh, so please don't randomly join them! However if you are interested in improving your ground game and they would love to have you train with them, just ask up front for information.
Otherwise we push forwards towards the tests! I don't think I can say anything new about them, just that we have lots of workshops and you should take them! Thanksgiving is coming soon, we will have a modified scheduled over the holiday weekend. Look for that next week. Otherwise stay warm, train hard, and we'll see you on the mats!