Good evening everyone! We learned a lot about online classes and ironed out a few of the bugs. I know that on Saturday some people tried to join and couldn't so we'll try to figure out why that happened and fix it this week. In the meantime, keep signing in and training hard!
Here is the full schedule for classes this week. It is subject to change, and you'll notice there are some details to still fill in, but now you can plan ahead at least a little bit. Also, to simplify things, we will try having just one link that always takes you to the right class. Basically it us an ongoing Zoom session that you'll join and leave when it's time for your class, instead of having different sessions for each class. If it doesn't work, we'll try something else. That link is here.
A quick note about Zoom: I have been informed that there are some security vulnerabilities with Zoom, and right now since it is so popular, bad actors are looking to take advantage. We may switch to a more secure, and also free, program soon, but for right now we have to go with what we are used to. There are ways to increase your security on Zoom, I will link to those in a future email. This email will stay focused on the classes.
The schedule for this week is below, you'll notice I tried to be more specific about the types of classes. The detail level on this schedule will increase as well. I'd say that last week we were going one day at a time, this week it's three days at a time, so we're making progress. The link to all classes is here. If something doesn't seem to be working, email and we'll figure it out. See you all in class!
Monday11:30 - Fitness
12:30 - Pilates