Good morning everyone! We are in the last week of January, so that means February and Kraventines is right around the corner. Those of you who have been with KMR for a year or more will remember Kraventines, a partner-attendance competition we run every year in February.
Basically you and your "Krav spouse" (any training partner from the studio) will team up and come to classes together. Historically the competition has been that the Krav couple that takes the most classes in February before Valentine's Day wins a a gift card to a very nice Raleigh restaurant. Last year we had two Krav couples effectively shit down the competition with 25 and 27 classes respectively in two weeks, and to acknowledge that insurmountable achievement - and prevent any fatalities trying to surpass it - this year we will have an escalating series of small prizes this year we will have an escalating series of small prizes that everyone can earn. We'll have a more detailed email coming out about Kravmas towards the end of the week, including ways you can bring in friends and family as guests to train with you. In the meantime you can start lining up your Krav partner and planning your training schedule, and we will see you on the mats!