The Mitt Holding workshop is only a few days away now, and I hope everybody reading this is signed up. Or maybe I hope you're not signed up, because then I have the opportunity to convince you of how important this training is. From level 2 up, you'll use focus mitts (or their big brother Thai Pads) almost every class, and they are simultaneously the most fun and the most frustrating element of training. Holding mitts is much harder than hitting them, but the striker can only be as good as his mitt holder. We could get Floyd Mayweather in the gym and pair him with a novice mitt holder, and he would look like an amateur. But take a novice striker and pair him with a skilled mitt holder, and he'll look like a professional fighter. Granted maybe not a GOOD professional fighter, but the point is that good mitt holding elevates your partner, and we should all strive to do that for the people we train with. Also, it's a lot of fun when done right. All of the material we teach at Krav Maga Raleigh is important, but most of it is solely for your benefit. Mitt holding is something that helps everyone. Striking is science; mitt holding is an art. If you aren't registered for this free class in the art of mitt holding, then you're doing a disservice to yourself and the people you train with.