Our next level 1 workshop is coming up on April 11th, and new students might not know what they're all about. The workshops serve two functions: Teaching all of the material, and evaluating for testing. The workshops are open to everyone, but if I'm being honest I don't recommend them to students who have been training less that three months or so. There is a surprising amount of material in Level 1 and we cover all of it at the workshops. If you are unfamiliar with the majority of the curriculum the workshop will just be a blur, and if most of the students are relatively new then the workshop, which already last three hours easily, will drag on. Most students will take the workshop twice before they test: Once when they hit about that three month mark, when they are getting competent but haven't nailed down everything in level 1, and a second time when they are solid on all the material and can show they are ready to test. If you aren't sure if you should take the level 1 workshop just ask one of the instructors and we'll give you our best opinion. We always like people to train as much as possible but there is definitely a point when it's too soon to jump into that workshop.