As you might be aware, we have some tests coming up. Four of them actually, and we're putting them all on December 12. It's going to be an exciting and exhausting day of Krav, and squeezing four multi-hour tests into one day isn't easy. Besides fitting them into the schedule we also want to arrange them so that observers can watch multiple tests, and the people testing can see the levels before and after theirs. After weeks of spreadsheets, formulas, and transcendental meditation, we've come up with the schedule below: December 12 Tests: Level 1 - 9:00 am Level 2 - 10:30 am Level 3 - 12:00 pm Level 4 - 1:30 pm There are no regular classes on test day. And tests require reviews of course. Level 2 and level 3 reviews are this Saturday, November 21. For level 2 we still have to cover the groundwork, so we'll do that first, then launch into the review. Those of you who want to come do the groundwork but aren't ready for the review yet are welcome to come to the first part. The level 1 review is December 5th, and the level 4 review is TBD. The tests are less than a month away, so keep pushing hard!