I know many of us are still coming to terms with the fact that it's 2018, but January is practically over and that means we need to start thinking ahead to Feb 14, or as we call it at Krav Maga Raleigh: KRAVENTINE'S DAY! We have some really fun things for our members to you get you ready for a special day!
First: From February 1-14, we are offering free guest passes to all of our members. That means that instead of a guest paying $20 to come train with you, they can come in as many times as they want absolutely free. So if you have a friend, close friend, or CLOSE friend, that wants to lose 10lbs for love, this is the perfect time! Get your guest passes at the front desk right away!
Whether or not you have someone special outside, you definitely have someone special at Krav Maga Raleigh! Pick your Krav Spouse and every time the two of you come train together, if you check in and tag each other on Facebook we'll give you a delicious chocolate treat, and put you in a raffle for a $100 gift certificate to Second Empire restaurant. The more times you train the more treats and raffle entries you get!
Do you want to look your very best on Kraventine's Day (or any day?). Our member Heather Weatherford - the owner of the Design Gallery Salon - is offering a great deal to Krav Maga Raleigh members in the first half of February. Bring your Krav Maga tag to her salon, or show them your best move or escape, and you'll get 10% off any service! Plus all day on the 14th they're offering you $20 blowouts! Check them out at www.thedesigngallerysalon.com.
And lastly: All day on the 14th we'll have some lovely flowers for you take take for yourself, or give to someone special. All of these awesome things start on February first, so prepare now! Find your Krav spouse (Krav Throuples and higher are also included), book your appointments at the Design Gallery, and get ready for Kraventine's Day!